Not too much, not too little, every detail just right: that's the mark of a true Winston. No matter how crazy, custom-cut or careless your outfit for the day (or night) might be, a sharp-dressed wrist will always give you an edge. And if you need that edge to be sharp enough to draw blood from anyone who thinks they can come close to your sense of style, the new Regal colorways will do the job just fine.
Brand: | Komono |
Gender: | Men |
Dial Color: | Brown |
Band Color: | Brown |
Band Material: | Leather |
Case Diameter (MM): | 41 |
Case Material: | Stainless Steel |
Clasp: | Buckle |
Collection: | Winston Monte Carlo |
Display: | Analog |
Crystal: | Mineral |
Watch Movement: | Quartz |
Water Resistance (M): | 30 |
Warranty: | 1 Year Komono Limited Warranty |